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Trademark Overview

CARR trademark lawyers look for opportunities to register trademarks that other law firms might overlook, such as buying trademarks and checking to see if a trademark is abandoned.

Secure Exclusive Use to Build a Brand.

CARR trademark attorneys understand that trademarks, service marks and trade names create a "brand" in the marketplace. They are among the most valuable and most relied-upon assets of both growth-oriented and established businesses. Businesses with distinctive brands accomplish sales objectives in less time and with less cost than others. Exclusive, consistent use is essential to obtaining recognition in the marketplace.

"Trademark protection" seeks to establish exclusive use in the marketplace of words, phrases, symbols, slogans, devices and, with a few exceptions, other forms of conveying information that identify and distinguish goods or services offered, sponsored or approved by the trademark owner. Marks identifying and distinguishing services are typically referred to as "service marks." An example of a famous trademark and service mark is EXXON®.

Trademarks and service marks can take a variety of forms, and in their broadest sense can include product configuration, appearance of packaging, look of a restaurant and even the scent given a product. A famous example of a packaging serving as a trademark is the well-known shape of the Coca-Cola® soft drink bottle.

Our Dallas trademark lawyers provide a variety of trademark protection services, including:

  • Trademark Clearance Researching & Investigation
  • Trademark Procurement & Registration at State and Federal Levels
  • Trademark Enforcement & Defense Litigation in State and Federal Courts
  • Opposition & Cancellation Proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
  • Litigation to protect trademarks
  • Trademark transactions, including Transfers, Licensing, Assignments and Sales
  • Systematic Policing Programs to Identify and Address Unauthorized Trademark Use and Registration
  • Counseling to Develop an Effective Trademark Protection and Clearance Program
  • Calendar Section 8 and 15 Declarations and Renewal Dates in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
  • Calendar Proof of Use and Renewal Dates in International Trademark Offices
  • Cyber-squatting and Domain Name Dispute Resolutions, Including Actions in Federal Courts and Before ICANN and other appropriate agencies

Contact a CARR trademark lawyer today.

CARR Intellectual Property attorneys serve clients throughout Texas, the United States, and the world. We counsel inventors and businesses in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Plano, Richardson, Frisco, Marshall and other cities in Texas. Our attorneys also serve many international clients, including companies in Hong Kong, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Canada, and Israel.

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